Monday, November 8, 2010


So I've had a few people tell me I need to write again. So yeah. Here's me trying. I haven't had much to report on. Cause let's face it. I'm not doing so good right now. And so I haven't done anything cool. It's been a hard hard year! And i seriously hope this next year will be a million times better. I don't know why but being 22 has been the worst thing EVER. And i really just want to stay in my bed all day and sleep! Well. There you have it!

On a positive note, one of my best friends, Nick Strong, is coming HOME Thursday! I can not wait! he's been serving his mission in Nicaragua. He's THE best! He's my courtesy Indian friend! Its just an inside joke. I'm not really racist. I can't wait. It is going to be so much fun to have him back. I've really missed having him around.

So things that I have been up to:

1. Nothing.
2. Thinking about going back to school to bEcome a dental hygienist. All I know is that this is going to be one of the most hardest things I have ever done. But it's not official yet. We'll see what happens.
3. At my internship they keep changing my hours. I am not sure what they are yet. I haven't been in 2 weeks. It's really getting annoying.
I can tell you about my dreams I've been having lately. They are fun!
A few weeks ago I had a dream that I dated Nate, Tyson,Bryson, And Jeff. Which is not uncommon in my dreams where I date multiple people. They were some boys from my neighborhood growing up.

I also keep having dreams about famous people. I had a dream I met Will Ferrell. He was apparently my yoga teacher in jr. High. And apparently in his 'clause' I am not sure why it was called that. But in his clause it said we couldn't get his autograph or take pictures with him. Even though I'm a huge fan of him. I was ticked. And always with my luck of dreaming about famous people that always happens. I once met Miley Cyrus and she refused to give me an autograph and picture. Why do famous people hate me in my dreams?

Another time I was on the office. And I dated Jim and Dwigt. Remember this is not uncommon. And my Parents LOVED them. Dwigt was a normal human. And Jim and I were about to get married. Then I unfortunately woke up.

Then my most recent crazy one that I was a detective. I had to solve a murder. Which apparently I dreamt about it in my dream earlier. So I already knew what I needed to do to solve it and get to the next clue. And by the time I got to know who it was, I was on my way to Darby, Montana. Which I'm not even sure if that place is real. I was with the murderer-my friends boyfriend- Josh. And we stopped at this town to get lunch and I saw him trying to cheat on my dear friend Rachel. And at that point he found out that I knew that he had killed someone. And I was going to tell rachel everything and then it was the end of the world. And so we had to run to this church. And Josh was mad at me for telling Rachel. And he announced to everyone that I was FLDS. And him and Rachel booed me from their group to die and they made me go die with the polygamists!

I really like that last one. :)

So yeah. Uuhh so Blake is starting to repeat everything you say. A little while ago he told his mom "when kids make a mess, it's called what the hell!". His exact words. :). I bet you thought I taught him that. But really it wasn't me. It was jana. Cause when him and my nieces make a mess she comes down stairs and says that. And when you say anything like that he say "we don't say what the hell" it is in quotation marks. It's okay.

So there you have it! That's all I gotta say!

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