Thursday, February 17, 2011


Laugh-a-lot Bear
There's always something funny going on wherever Laugh-a-lot Bear is. This silly bear gets everything mixed up but turns her little misfortunes and mistakes into lots of laughter for others. Her symbol shows what she really is—a star at giving others the giggles.
Caring Mission: Helps people laugh.
Symbol: Laugh-a-lot Bear's laughing star shows that she is a star at starting laughter.
Personality: Silly and giggly.
Motto: Get some giggles going!

Soo...I know what you are thinking...why are you posting about a carebear?
Well I was looking at the same carebear that  I have. That I got when I was 16. It was from my Grandma Valene for Christmas. The last thing she gave 3 weeks before she died.

I don't know if my Grandma even knew that my favorite color is orange or that this actually describes me pretty much EXACTLY! But this Carebear that I have stays on my bed.

This Carebear means the most to me from anything that I own, next to my Baby Blankets of course!

Does this or does this not describe me EXACTLY?!?!

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